The Infant Swimming Resource Self-Rescue® Program

A commitment to ISR is an investment in your child’s life, which will provide the essential survival skills to prevent accidental drowning.  Additionally, your child will begin the journey of enjoying the water and building self-confidence.  In Florida, we are surrounded by water, and the steps you take with your child to expose them to these essential skills, through the ISR Self-Rescue® program, will ensure they have a better quality of life.  

Plainly stated, younger children (6 months to 1 year) will learn how to roll onto their backs, float, and get air. Children ages 1-6 will learn how to swim, rotate on their backs for air, and swim again to the safety of pool step, side, or shoreline. Each child is unique in their development and skill level, and Kacey will work with your child on the most appropriate method.

While the ISR Self-Rescue® can and does saves lives, nothing replaces constant supervision of children when they are near or exposed to water sources.  Pool fences, door alarms, locking gates, and other measures also play a vital role in preventing accidental drownings. Think of ISR as one crucial element of a comprehensive drowning prevention strategy that you and your family commit to.  During lessons, Kacey will provide you with preventative education and tips to ensure you and your family enjoy aquatic life in a safe and fun manner.

Here is what you can expect and some of the most common questions from parents or guardians.

What is the earliest age a baby can start ISR lessons? Six months is the minimum age, and the child must be able to sit up on their own without any assistance.

Who teaches lessons? ISR Lesson are solely instructed by Kacey Purcell, owner of Seminole Infant Swim and a certified ISR Instructor.  ISR Instructors are not your average swimming instructors. ISR Instructors go through a one-year instructional program to ensure they are competent to teach the ISR Self-Rescue® Program. Additionally, Kacey recertifies each year to remain current and proficient. Kacey also remains current in CPR and abides by medical direction provided by ISR medical personnel.

Kacey will provide one-on-one instruction with your child in a heated pool (Oviedo, FL).  Lessons take place 5 days per week, Monday through Friday, and take no more than 10 minutes each day.  You will have a fixed lesson time once you start. Normally, lessons progress for a 4 to 6-week period, depending on the performance of the child.  Kacey will teach and assess specific competencies from the ISR Self-Rescue® program, and she will provide you with feedback during and after each lesson. Once lessons start, it is extremely important to remain consistent and attend scheduled lessons.

How long will it take to complete lessons? Every child is unique, and the number of lessons is determine by age, level of development, skill competency, and retention. Normally, lessons last 4 to 6 weeks to learn new skills, and refresher lessons in subsequent years take 1 to 3 weeks. Again, this all depends on the child and their progress.

Will my child need to return for a second or third year of lessons? With a child who is skilled to rotate on their back and float until help arrives, but has not yet learned the “swim-float-swim” to safety technique, it is highly recommended that they return to learn this skills as part of the ISR Self-Rescue Program. When new skills are learned, it generally takes 4-6 weeks. Refresher lessons for skills already learned in previous years generally take 1-3 weeks. Again, the caveat to the length of lesson all depends on the child’s skill level, development, competency, and retention.

Does Kacey travel to pools in my area? Kacey does not travel to home pools. All lessons are taught in her home pool in Oviedo.

COVID-19: Kacey has been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 (including boosters) and takes all necessary precautions to protect you and your family. The pool is serviced weekly to maintain chemical balance and proper chlorination levels, and the deck environment is regularly cleaned. While Kacey does not wear a mask any longer, she will wear one upon request.

Lesson Cancellations: There are times when your child may be ill or inclement weather arises, thus preventing lessons.  Kacey will work with you to reschedule lessons. Please note that Kacey monitors local weather stations for lightning storms within a few miles of the pool, which can halt or delay lessons. This is purely for the safety of everyone involved, especially your child. You only pay for lessons that you attend.

What do I need to know or bring in advance of lessons starting? Kacey will provide further details prior to the start of the lessons, but you you will need to bring multiple towels for your child for each lesson. Additionally, swim diapers are mandatory to prevent contaminants in the pool. Kacey will provide direction on dietary recommendations and other pertinent details. All of this information and more details will be provided to you once you complete the registration process.

What do parents have to say about Kacey, the ISR Self-Rescue® Program, and Seminole Infant Swim? Kacey welcomes parents to provide reviews on Google and Facebook at the end of each session. Many parents have provided feedback through the years, and we welcome you to review the testimonials webpage, or check out the Seminole Infant Swim reviews on Google (search Google for Seminole Infant Swim) and Facebook.

Where is Seminole Infant Swim Located? Seminole Infant Swim, LLC is located in Oviedo, FL, which is in Seminole County, FL. Oviedo is located northeast of Orlando near UCF in Seminole County. The City of Seminole, located on the west coast of Florida in Pinellas County, is often confused with Seminole County, FL. Please contact Kacey if you have any questions about the location of lessons.

Thank you for your interest in Seminole Infant Swim and ISR Self-Rescue®. Kacey looks forward to working with you and your child!

To get your child registered, please navigate to the Fees and Registration page for more details on Spring and Summer Sessions.

Please click on the links below for additional safety information for you and your family.

Also, please visit the ISR Store and view the ISR videos below.

ISR’s Roll-Back-To-Float Sequence

ISR's Self-Rescue™ lessons for a 6-12 month old focus on teaching the child to roll onto their back to float, rest and breathe, and to be able to maintain this life-saving position until help arrives.


ISR’s Swim-Float-Swim Sequence

Watch 21-month-old Jack show off his ISR Self-Rescue™ swim-float-swim.