About Infant Swimming Resource & Seminole Infant Swim, LLC


Founded in 1966 by Dr. Harvey Barnett, ISR is the global leader in the industry it pioneered: survival swimming lessons for infants and young children. ISR Instructors provide the safest and most effective survival swimming lessons available. The ISR Self-Rescue® instruction our students receive today is the product of over 45 years of research and achieves unparalleled results. The mission and foundation of ISR and Seminole Infant Swim, LLC, is, “Not One More Child Drowns.” The successful prevention of child drowning is the key strategy to prevent tragedy.

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Seminole Infant Swim, LLC

Located in Oviedo, Florida, Seminole Infant Swim, LLC is dedicated to providing survival swimming lessons, utilizing the ISR Self-Rescue® methodology, for children from 6 months to 6 years of age. Kacey is a certified ISR Instructor and the mother of two ISR graduates, who are now grown. Kacey is dedicated to furthering the mission of ISR and providing quality and personalized instruction to children.


Overview of ISR

ISR’s unique results are achieved through fully customized, safe and effective, one-on-one lessons with only your child and the Instructor in the water. What your child will learn, and the way he or she will learn it, is what makes ISR so different from traditional swimming lessons. Always putting safety first, ISR emphasizes competence, which leads to confidence, and provides the foundation for a lifetime of enjoyment in and around the water. What your child will learn depends on his or her age and developmental readiness, but in all cases, at minimum, your child will learn to roll onto his or her back to float, rest, and breathe, and to maintain this position until help arrives.


Children 6-12 Months Old

Kacey teaches children ages 6 months to 1 year the ISR Self-Rescue® skill of rolling onto their backs to float, rest and breathe. They learn to maintain this position until help arrives.


Children 1-6 Years Old

For older and more mobile children, Kacey will teach the full ISR Self-Rescue® sequence of swimming until they need air, rotating onto the back to float, then rolling back over to continue swimming. ISR students are taught to repeat this sequence until they reach the safety of the steps, side of the pool, or the shoreline.

My Two Children (now older) Are ISR Graduates!

When my children were infants and toddlers, I provided them with the gift of ISR lessons. They are now adults, and I am so grateful that I made this investment in them. People ask if my kids went through ISR training, and the answer is a very passionate, “Yes!” Now that they are older, I am blessed to teach infants, toddlers, and young children the ISR Self Rescue program here in East Seminole County, FL.


The 2024 Summer Session if full. Please visit https://locator.infantswim.com to find an instructor near you.


The 2024 Summer Session if full. Please visit https://locator.infantswim.com to find an instructor near you. ~~~~